Reflections from Our CEO, Gil Preuss

From our CEO Gil Preuss. With Head shot.

Hard to read – and essential to share

As tensions with Lebanon escalate, I want to update you on what Federation is doing and share a story about one of our partners in Israel. As you know, Hezbollah

A phone call I got from Yoni

I want to tell you about a phone call from Yoni, a University of Pittsburgh senior who happens to be my son. It was a regular Friday evening over Labor

Federation and Makom to Form Central Jewish Community Hub in Co-Owned Space

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and Makom (formerly the Jewish Foundation for Group Homes) are excited to announce today that they will become joint owners of the Federation building

A Time to Mourn and A Time to Act

I was grateful to have a shared space on Tuesday night to mourn the devastating murder of six more hostages. It is a privilege for us at Federation and our

A Day of Mourning

We are devastated by the news that Hamas has killed six more hostages. Among these heart-breaking losses was Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. Hersh was generously shared with us by the

Elevating the Voices of Hostages, Belonging, and More

Few people are more attuned to the challenges facing Israel and Israelis today than Dr. Tal Becker, Vice President and Senior Faculty at the Shalom Hartman Institute and Legal Adviser

Security Training, Your Support in Israel, and More

Thanks to Federation’s new Vice President of Financial Resource Development, Jill Granader, for filling in for me last week with her thoughtful message. If you missed it, read it here.

Thinking of Romi Gonen, Or Levy, and October 7th. It’s Friday.

Romi Gonen is a vivacious 23-year-old who loves life, music, travel, and leopard print. She is also one of the estimated 116 hostages still in Gaza 10 months after October

Paving the Future We Seek

I’ve been consuming a wide variety of news and media this summer. Between developments in Israel and Gaza and an already-historic presidential election season, I have found myself devouring anything

Summer Camp, Security, Leaders Making Moves + More

Last weekend, I joined colleagues from Federations and other Jewish organizations to discuss the evolving challenges facing Israelis and Israeli society following October 7th, the continuing wars with Hamas and

Jewish Identity After October 7th

Writing to you a little early this week ahead of the holiday. I’m looking forward to celebrating with family and friends tomorrow, and hope you are too. Of course, my

Finding Strength in Judaism

As I shared during our Annual Meeting, it increasingly feels like the ground is shifting beneath our feet. Questions about the place and future of the Jewish community in America

Essential Investments, Difficult Conversations on Israel, and Pride. It’s Friday.

I’m thankful for the many community members who joined Federation on Tuesday for our Annual Meeting. The evening of music and art was quite unlike others we’ve hosted and was

“Horseshoe Theory” and Jews in Need. It’s Friday.

Last week, Federation hosted one of our incredible grantees from Israel – a nonprofit called Shaharit, funded by our Israel Crisis Relief Fund. They brought together Jews and Arabs from

Fighting Antisemitism on Campus, Accelerating Gender-Based Giving Post-October 7th, and More . It’s Friday.

This time of year, you can feel the energy throughout our community. It’s marked by warmer weather, graduations, the countdown to summer camp, and my personal favorite – tending to

Updates from Mexico City, Remembrance and Celebration, and More. It’s Friday.

I write today from Mexico City, where I am traveling with Federation’s Jewish Community Leaders Program to explore this vibrant Jewish community. Though the mission has been wonderful, today’s news from Israel was sobering:

Reflections on Yom HaZikaron & Yom Ha’atzmaut

Starting Sunday night, Israel and the Jewish people will observe Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day, followed by a celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. These holidays are moments to

Campus Protests, Israel Aid Package, Yom HaShoah

It’s Friday, and like so many in our community, I have been closely watching the alarming pro-Palestinian protests that erupted on way too many college campuses this past week, including

Iran, Rising Antisemitism, Passover Traditions. It’s Friday.

It’s Friday, and I want to share a few thoughts from the week. As news reports began to spread late last night that Israel had attacked Iran in response to

Israel Update, Tensions Rise with Iran, Hostage Rally. It’s Friday.

It’s Friday, and I have a new format for sharing my takeaways from this week. One highlight for me was seeing the eclipse — did you? It really was spectacular.

Exploring Jewish Communities in Latin America

Hello from Argentina and Uruguay. This week, I have been traveling with 30 incredible women from our local community as part of Federation’s Women’s Philanthropy mission to this beautiful and

Six Months Later: Our Resolve, Solidarity & Impact in Israel

On April 7th, it will be six months since we all woke up that Saturday morning to the horrors of Hamas’ brutal and unimaginable terrorist attack on Israel. Our Jewish

Embracing the Spirit of Purim

Last week, I reached out to you for suggestions on how Federation and the Jewish community could navigate the uncertain path ahead. Thank you so much to the many people

Navigating Uncertainty: Reflecting on the Future of American Jewry

A recent article by Franklin Foer in The Atlantic raised important questions about the future of American Jewry and American democracy. Foer asks about the evolving landscape of American Jewish

Supporting Israeli Women

Content Warning: This week's reflection contains references to the sexual assault and violence that took place during Hamas' attack on Israel in October 2023, which some may find distressing. Today, we

Introducing JShield, the Security Division of Federation

When I think about the strength and resiliency of our community, I focus on those times when we connect and the spaces that allow us to do so. Moments of

Our Ongoing Work in Ukraine

Two years ago, I watched countless Ukrainians leaving everything behind walk across the border into Poland with unimaginable grief and trauma. I met families seeking some semblance of peace and

The Spirit of Purpose

Federation mourns the two Israelis killed in a terrorist attack earlier today in southern Israel near Bnei Re’em and prays for the quick recovery of those wounded. May their memories

The Lasting Impressions of Jewish Summer Camp

Although summer is still months away, I cannot help but think about the warmer days ahead. These thoughts of future plans quickly shift into memories of summers as a teen,

Witnessing a Changed Israel

This coming Sunday, I will be traveling to Israel alongside colleagues and community leaders from across Greater Washington. And while I have spent much of the last several months focused

Federation’s Response to the International Court of Justice Ruling

Early this morning, on January 26th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a provisional ruling on a request brought to it regarding Israel’s fight against Hamas in Gaza. While

Empowering & Preparing Jewish Greater Washington’s Teens to Combat Antisemitism

Over the past several years, our community and Jews nationwide have faced a significant rise in anti-Jewish hatred. In Greater Washington, school children faced horrifying messages threatening our community at

Balancing Optimism and Concern

This Sunday, January 14th, marks 100 days since the start of Israel’s war with Hamas and the captivity of over 130 Israeli hostages. We mourn the lives lost to senseless

Finding Resilience in Gratitude

In this moment, global Jewry is grappling with significant tension. Around the world, Jews are under attack in ways not seen since WWII. At the same time, we are probably

To Better Days Ahead, With Thanks

Over the last year, the Jewish community has seen horrors we no longer thought possible. We have seen hatred arise that many believed was disappearing. And through it all, you

Continuing Our Vital Work

It is no secret that the war in Israel has significantly impacted Jewish communities around the world, including our own, with ripple effects both predictable and previously unthinkable. The resulting

Building a Stronger Community Together

In one of my first reflections of 2023, I wrote about the power of community and how we find the most success when we harness our unique experiences, understandings, and

On Increasing the Light

“How are you?” This seemingly innocent question has become difficult for many in the Jewish community to answer since October 7th. At times, there’s a slight hesitation or a heavy

Our Continued Solidarity with Israel

As we are approaching almost 60 days since Hamas attacked Israel and murdered over 1,200 Israelis, this moment carries a lot of uncertainty and tension. We rejoice at the return

With Gratitude

This past Tuesday, nearly 300,000 people came together on the National Mall for the March for Israel. I had the honor of serving on the organizing committee for this event
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Will you join me on Tuesday?

Friends, The Jewish community has united at critical moments throughout history to demand action from national leaders. As we mark one month since Hamas’s attacks on Israel and the ripple
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Reminders for a New Time in Jewish History

Friends, I write at a challenging time for the American Jewish community. As we collectively confront simultaneous challenges in Jewish Greater Washington and abroad, the safety and place of Jews

Bearing Witness: Video Reflections on my Visit to Israel

Today marks 20 days since Hamas attacked Israel, murdering 1,400 and kidnapping 228 Israelis, including babies, children, young adults, and Holocaust survivors. As the war continues, I’ve drawn strength from
Video: Israel Crisis Update - A Report from the Ground from Federation’s CEO

Video: Israel Crisis Update – A Report from the Ground from Federation’s CEO

On Sunday, October 22nd, Federation CEO, Gil Preuss, joined our community live from Israel to provide updates on the quickly evolving situation, emerging needs, and how our local community is
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Together in Mourning & Solidarity

Friends, It’s been less than a week since the worst killing of Jews since the Holocaust. I still don’t fully have the words to capture what this moment feels like,
Standing with Israel

Standing with Israel

At the time of this message, Israel is in its third day of war. Thousands of Israelis are dead or wounded, and more than 130 kidnapped or missing. The trauma
Mobilizing for Israel

Mobilizing for Israel

We would not ordinarily email on Shabbat or Yom Tov, but unfortunately, the events of the day necessitate it. This morning, our community awoke to the heartbreaking, deeply upsetting news
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Investing in Teen Mental Health

Friends, As a parent, I regularly worry about the well-being of my children, even now that they are grown. How can I make sure that they are well? How can
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Fragility and Community

Friends, A few years ago, a New York Times series asked different authors to answer the question “what does it mean to be human?” One of the most interesting responses
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Practicing Humility

“Humility is not thinking you are small. It is thinking that other people have greatness within them.” – Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, z”l Friends, As we approach Yom Kippur, I
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Remembering Rabbi Matthew H. Simon, z”l

As Rosh Hashanah begins this evening, I wish you and yours a very healthy, happy, and meaningful New Year and High Holiday season.  Friends,     On September 10th, Jewish Greater
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Building an Interdependent Community

This Monday marks 22 years since the attacks of 9/11. May the memories of those we lost continue to be for a blessing and may those who loved them find
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Building an Inclusive, Accessible Jewish Community

Friends, What does it mean to feel comfortable and included in the Jewish community? What does it mean to be part of a Jewish community that is inclusive and accessible?
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Investing in Families with Young Children

Wildfires continue to wreak havoc on communities in Maui. Federation and our Jewish communal partners are working to support those in need. We are deeply grateful to those who have
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Upcoming Safety & Security Preparedness Training

Friends, Our Jewish community is strongest when we come together in celebration, to learn and reflect, pray, or to simply enjoy one another’s company. But in order for us to
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Advocating for Evan Gershkovich & Elizabeth Tsurkov

I have often written about how critical building community is for our collective future. It binds us together and enables us to overcome challenges in Greater Washington, in Israel, and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Democracy & Our Collective Future

This coming week, we will be celebrating July 4th – the declaration, almost 250 years ago, of the United States of America’s independence. This significant moment in world history marked
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Jewish Homeland for All Jews

Synagogues are a central institution of Jewish life throughout the world and have been so for almost 2,000 years. In that time, they have been essential places for learning, prayer,
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Memorable Night of Community and Leadership

Each time our community gathers, it provides me with energy and optimism for the future of our community. This was especially true last night when more than 200 of Greater
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Looking Forward Together

June is an exciting time for Federation and the future of our community. Following a year of program analysis, strategic planning, and addressing pressing concerns, our team works closely with
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Celebrating Our Communal Agencies

As I wrote this reflection, I learned of the passing of one of my personal heroes, Dr Amitai Etzioni, z”l. Dr Etzioni was an academic who challenged ideas about humanity
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Filling Our Communal Glass

On the final day of Federation’s Israel YOUR Way mission, our group of community members from across Greater Washington had the chance to meet with Dr. Tal Becker, Senior Fellow
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Our Dual Responsibilities in Israel

This week, I am writing to you from Federation's Israel YOUR Way Mission. Since our arrival, our group of Federation professionals and community members from across Greater Washington have explored
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Investing in Each Other

This past week, I read an important article by United States Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, about the effect of increasing loneliness and isolation on our mental and physical
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Turning Hope into Action

“Optimism is the belief that the world is changing for the better; hope is the belief that, together, we can make the world better. The Hebrew Bible is not an
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Rebirth and Renewal

This past Tuesday marked Yom HaShoah, or Holocaust Remembrance Day. At a time of increased antisemitism in our community and across the country, Yom HaShoah reminds us not only to
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Community that Cares for Each Other

In Greater Washington, thousands of people face a daily struggle to meet basic needs. As a Jewish community, it is our sacred obligation to care for them. At Federation, we
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Confronting & Combating Antisemitism

Yesterday, our partners at the ADL released their Audit of Antisemitic Incidents 2022, revealing deeply troubling national and local numbers. In Northern Virginia, incidents of anti-Jewish hate and bias increased
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Our Voice in this Defining Moment

Federation believes that Israel must be a democratic state for all of its citizens and, simultaneously, a homeland for the global Jewish people. We remain committed to continuing to strengthen
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Remembering Judy Heumann, z”l

Like thousands of others in our community and around the world, I've spent this week thinking about Judy Heumann, z”l, a trailblazer of the disability rights movement. For more than
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

In Pursuit of a More Inclusive Jewish Community

Last month, our community came together to recognize Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance & Inclusion Month, or JDAIM, as we do each February. Federation prioritizes this work year-round in partnership with
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Critical Moment for Engagement with Israel

Today, we mark one year since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and with your generous support, our community continues to care for those in need in the region. To learn more
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Continuing Our Work in and for Ukraine

Next Friday will mark one year since Russia invaded Ukraine. And though the news cycle frequently shifts to focus on other issues, the needs of Ukrainians have compounded, worsening with
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Supporting Earthquake Survivors in Turkey & Syria

In just the past few years, our community has come together to respond to a pandemic, war in Ukraine, multiple refugee crises, and needs throughout Jewish Greater Washington. In each
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Reflections on a Powerful Journey

This week, I had the privilege of participating in Federation’s Rabbinic and Communal Leadership Mission to Alabama. Federation is proud and honored to create experiences like these as part of
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Remembering & Our Greatest Strength

The recent spate of antisemitic incidents in our community feels particularly troubling against the backdrop of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. But despite what may appear, at times, to be a troubling outlook, our community continues
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Relationships and the Power of Working Together

Throughout my time working for and serving the Greater Washington Jewish community, I have become increasingly convinced of a core idea: we are more effective when we work together. I have found
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Celebration & Change: Marking Israel at 75

Federation is proud to lead this year’s community celebration of Israel‘s milestone 75th year of independence alongside many incredible partners throughout Greater Washington. I encourage you to visit our new Israel at
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Remembering Paul Berger, z”l

On January 4th, our community lost a true giant: beloved friend, community leader, and Federation past president, Paul Berger, z”l. I was grateful and fortunate to call Paul my friend and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Wishing You a Happy New Year

When I look back on 2022 — and ahead to 2023 — it is with deep pride in the community we’re building together. Despite the significant volatility and challenges, we’ve come together
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Light in the Darkness

This Chanukah, the light of our candles and our community feels especially important. A few years ago, during another cold, dark Chanukah season, our late colleague and master teacher Avi
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Living Proudly Together

Federation's mission is to inspire, build, and sustain vibrant Jewish life in a changing world. To a certain extent, this is a very simple idea. Alongside our partners, we seek
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Glowing Brightly Together

As Federation partner Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School of the Nation’s Capital recently wrote on Facebook, “our lights glow brightest together.” This year, our Jewish community in Greater Washington truly
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Connecting with Purpose

I have always believed that Judaism is counter cultural. Even when society might be focused on the individual, we recognize and insist that community is at the core of who
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Gratitude for our Community

Over the past several years, our community has faced and overcome many challenges together. And, of course, we continue to live in uncertain and difficult times. Rising antisemitism, widespread economic insecurity,
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

What We Do Now: A Message on Antisemitism

Yesterday, overt antisemitism touched our community once again. As children waited for their school bus in Bethesda, they faced horrifying messages threatening our community. Simultaneously, residents in DC’s Kalorama neighborhood
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Supporting Ongoing Needs in Ukraine

Ten months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the American news cycle has shifted with other pressing situations frequently grasping our attention. What hasn’t changed, however, is the crisis facing those within
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Our Work in this Moment

“Many forms of government have been tried and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Engagement for a Collective Future

This past Tuesday, I was proud to represent The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington as we helped sponsor and host President of Israel Isaac Herzog’s visit to Washington, DC as
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Amplifying our Collective Impact

It’s understandable to question how we can make a significant difference and affect change amid constant evolution and many concurrent crises. How can I support those in need in the
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On the Season of Our Rejoicing

As we settle into another year of our collective journey, the news cycle and the world around us remain intense. Our community continues to experience rising hatred and antisemitism shared
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Our Enduring Commitment

As we observed Yom Kippur this week, many of our hearts, thoughts, and prayers were with those still reeling from the devastation of Hurricane Ian. Whole communities were wiped out
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Building a Vibrant & Secure Community

I hope that your Rosh Hashanah celebrations were meaningful and joyous. During these semi-quiet moments between High Holidays, I’ve been thinking a lot about what enables our Jewish community to
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Celebrating Those Who Make a Difference

On Sunday evening, we welcome Rosh Hashanah. Upon looking forward to a year filled with promise, I have also been reflecting on the accomplishments spurring us on. As our latest
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Confronting our History

In September 1938, Helmut, 29, arrives in New York alone. He hopes his wife, Steffi, will join him soon – she is still living in Breslau, Germany, and listed as
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Change and Return

I was grateful to celebrate another birthday this past week. While everyone acknowledges theirs in distinct ways, my late August birthday has typically been marked by thought and introspection. I
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

The Future of Jewish Philanthropy in Greater Washington

When I joined Federation nearly five years ago, it was with incredible excitement. I knew Greater Washington was home to incomparable leaders and organizations, and that this community was already
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Building an Unbreakable Hope

A few days ago, as I sat in back-to-back Zoom meetings, a colleague stopped by my office to ask if I needed lunch. The moment has stuck with me ever

Continuing our Support in Ukraine

Months after the war in Ukraine began, the images from its early days and memories of my mission to the Poland border have stayed with me. I will never forget

On Resilience & Summer Camp

It is no understatement to say that the past weeks, months, and years have been challenging. For our community’s children and teens, the world around them has been wrought with

Moving Forward Together

On the heels of Capital Chai: Federation’s 2022 Annual Meeting, I feel deeply connected to, and proud of, the Greater Washington Jewish community. And as we take steps forward in

A Night to Remember

Last night at Capital Chai: Federation’s 2022 Annual Meeting, I was grateful to connect with many of you. It was an honor to be together as we celebrated the unwavering

Reuniting Ethiopian Jewry in Israel: An Interview with Laura Cutler

As antisemitic incidents continue in our community and nationally, the safety and security of our Jewish community remains a top priority for Federation. I encourage you to join the June

Celebrating our Communal Leaders

Today marks 100 days since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Federation continues to work closely with our partners on the ground in the region and collaborate with

Moving Beyond Thoughts & Prayers

I write to you today from a place of deep pain and frustration. I am shaken, not with surprise, but with the palpable devastation, anger, and heartbreak that have become

Resilience, Challenge, and Change in Israel

Pictured: (l to r) Rabbi Daniel Zemel, Gil Preuss, Rabbi David Spinrad, Rabbi Deborah Megdal, Rabbi Sarah Tasman, Rabbi Aaron Potek, Rabbi Mitch Berkowitz, Rabbi Uri Topolosky, and Rabbi Evan

Creating a Community of Belonging

In today’s social and political landscape, American society and the Jewish community are facing growing divisions on topics that define us – from politics to identity to core values and

Embracing an Evolving Israel

Those dedicated to Israel’s bright future will not be deterred by senseless violence, like the recent attack in Elad on Thursday night, during a Yom Ha'atzmaut celebration. As we mourn

On Memory and Building for the Future

This week, Jewish communities worldwide observed Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. We set aside this sacred time and space to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, honor

Together Again

At our Annual Meeting on June 16th, Federation will honor 18 remarkable Jewish individuals under 40: the Capital Chai (18). We’re looking for the innovators, thought leaders, creators, activists, builders,

Helping Those in Need Around the World…and Around the Corner

I am humbled by the incredible support within our community to care for those in Ukraine. So many of you have already made an enormous impact, helping Federation raise more

Standing with Israel as a Jewish Community

Over the past week, Israel has faced three separate terror attacks in one of the deadliest waves of terror since the second intifada. Heartbroken by the senseless loss of eleven

On the Global Jewish Refugee Crisis

We watch in horror as the war in Ukraine continues. The conflict has created an enormous refugee crisis, with more than 3.3 million people fleeing and another 6.5 million displaced

Reflections from Ukraine’s Border

Early Monday morning, I arrived in Poland to take part in The Jewish Federations of North America’s (JFNA) humanitarian mission to Ukraine’s border. I was honored to represent our community

Our Impact in Ukraine

This Sunday, I am honored to be traveling to Poland and the border of Ukraine with The Jewish Federations of North America to represent our community and learn more about

Preserving Vibrant Jewish Life in Ukraine

Over ten years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the amazing Jewish community of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. This is a community that faced devastation during WWII and then continued decline

Supporting Ukrainian Jews

Today, as we continue to watch in horror as war unfolds in Europe, I want to focus on elevating the urgent efforts to support our Jewish family in Ukraine. After

Supporting the Global Jewish Community

Year-round, Federation works closely with international agencies to meet the needs of Jewish communities in Israel and more than 70 countries around the globe, including Ukraine. Belonging to a global

Expanding the Discourse on Israel & Zionism

We are living in complex times, where differences of opinion can prove incredibly divisive even within close-knit communities. For our American Jewish community, discourse about Israel, in particular, has become

Our Collective Security

Two weeks ago, Jewish communities around the world witnessed the strength and resilience that comes with preparation for an emergency. Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker has since credited his ability to react

Standing Strong & Secure

In an interview this past Monday, Rabbi Charlie Cytron-Walker recounted the chilling hours when he and three of his congregants were held hostage in their synagogue, Congregation Beth Israel. I’ve

A Force for Good

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to share feedback on my recent reflections. Your comments continue to be thought-provoking and inspiring, and I’m always grateful to

Principles for the Future

Over the past few weeks, I have been reading predictions for 2022—forecasts of new words, foods, colors, global developments, fears, and more. I typically find these predictions enjoyable, though they

A Video Message from Federation CEO Gil Preuss

As 2021 comes to an end, I want to thank you for keeping Jewish Greater Washington vibrant and strong. I hope you’ll enjoy this week’s video reflection—something a little different

Moving Forward Together

As we approach the end of 2021, I am feeling particularly energized by everything that our community accomplished this year. Looking ahead to what’s next and how our decisions today will

Introducing Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh

Earlier this week, I was honored to hold a webinar conversation with Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh, the first-ever Druze Israeli envoy to any North American Jewish community.

Strengthening Jewish Life in NOVA

Community-wide collaborative projects are a lot like icebergs. The results you see are often and rightfully cause for celebration. But it’s the small miracles and the hard work of the

In Awe of Awe

One of the most memorable experiences from my childhood came when I was on a family vacation as a teenager at Yosemite National Park. Going on a hike and turning

On Gratitude and Giving

Last Thanksgiving, we were presented with difficult questions amid the pandemic. A time usually reserved for us to slow down and gather with loved ones instead brought on feelings of

Reducing Risk

As we readjusted to daylight saving time this week, I found myself wondering why we sustain practices even after they no longer make sense. Countless people and organizations continue specific

The Resilient Community

On my nightstand, there is a seemingly endless stack of books. On top of the pile is The Resilient Society, by Princeton’s Professor Markus K. Brunnermeier. I learned of the

Creating a Vibrant Jewish Community, Together

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where we go from here as a community, and I know I’m not alone. We’ve all seen how the pandemic accelerated earlier shifts

Condemning Antisemitism in All Forms—and in our Backyard

This is not the reflection I’d planned to share this week. But then the DC chapter of national climate action group Sunrise Movement publicly declined to participate in a Washington voting rights rally, based solely on

An Interactive Look at Our Communal Accomplishments

2021 hasn’t been easy, as we all know. Many in our community have faced significant challenges. And yet, 2021 also highlighted our community’s strength, resilience, and compassion. I encourage you

The Power of Listening

I recently watched Worth, the biopic about DC attorney Kenneth Feinberg and his administration of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. I first met Ken through his wife, Dede Feinberg, former president of Federation

Honoring our Community Builders

Last night, I had the pleasure of gathering with many local community and real estate industry leaders for an event more than two years in the making: Cornerstone. I’m still feeling energized by the momentum from the evening, blown away by the $1.25 million

Standing Together in Community

Every year during Kol Nidre services on erev Yom Kippur, I am struck by how we begin with this collective prayer. We stand together as a community, confessing our guilt and asking for

9/11 and the Importance of Memory

This week, as my family and I celebrated Rosh Hashanah, my mind has also been on those we lost on 9/11 twenty years ago. My family, like so many others, is

A Time of Transitions

Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) begins Monday evening, and I imagine I’m not alone in thinking about transitions. This past year has been one of constant changes, pivots, and

Welcoming the Stranger

Many of us are watching the situation in Afghanistan with growing alarm and worry. As I write, it’s been about two weeks since Kabul fell to the Taliban. Nearly 90,000

Present in the Garden

Last week, our Federation professional team came together at a local taproom. It was the first in-person gathering we’ve had in a year and a half. There was no agenda,

Living With Ambiguity

Last Sunday, we observed Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av. This fast day commemorates five historic calamities, including the destruction of the first and second

Thinking Locally and Acting Globally

Last week, I reflected on my hope that some of the changes brought about by the pandemic are here to stay. I’ve continued to consider the potential implications of these

Pandemic Lessons for a Post-pandemic World

On July 11th, please join Federation and many other organizations for a rally at the U.S. Capitol—No Fear: A Rally In Solidarity with the Jewish People.  On a recent sunny afternoon,

Jewish Life in America: Writing the Roadmap

Two years ago, in a learning session led by Federation and the Shalom Hartman Institute, participants were asked, “do you believe America’s relationship with the Jewish community is unique? Or

Joy, Community, Identity, and S’mores

Our hearts and thoughts are with the Miami community following the devastating building collapse in Surfside, FL. The Greater Miami Jewish Federation has established an emergency assistance fund to support those impacted

Obligated to See

When I was in Israel a couple of weeks ago, something caught my eye. In the entry way of the Hinam Center for Social Tolerance in Abu Ghosh outside of

Striding Forward

The 2020 Pew Research Report on American Jews underscores our different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives on Jewish identity. The survey found the next generation of Jews is growing racially and

Jewish and Democratic

I spent the last three days on a Federation Rabbinic Mission trip to Israel with a group of eight rabbis from Greater Washington. As one of the first groups to

Speaking Truth to All

Earlier this spring, the ADL released their 2020 audit of antisemitic incidents in the United States. The report found last year’s numbers to be the third highest on record since
Photo of CEO Gil Preuss at Podium

Responding to Needs in Israel in 2021

As the region begins to recover from the most dramatic escalation of violence in more than a decade, The Jewish Federation remains committed to helping those struggling in its wake.

A Vital Pursuit

A couple of weeks ago, Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman spoke at a Federation and Shalom Hartman Institute leadership convening. Among the many points he made, one in particular struck me:

Responding to the 2021 Crisis in Israel

As the unprecedented, sustained attacks by Hamas continue on Israeli citizens, Federation unequivocally supports Israel’s right to defend itself. We are working closely with our global partners to ensure that

An Opportunity to Make a Difference

Jews around the world will soon celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. In addition to welcoming the spring harvest, Shavuot commemorates a seminal event in Jewish religious memory. It is said
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Building Blocks of Community

We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of life during last night’s Lag B’Omer celebration in northern Israel. Our thoughts are with the many families who lost loved ones. May
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

The Continuous Pursuit of Justice

Many Jews cite the mandate to pursue justice as one of Judaism’s most inspiring teachings and a value that defines their connection to Jewish life. The idea that we are
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

The Next Chapter in Our Relationship with Israel

As a teenager, I used to wear a shirt that read “Israel Is Real.” This statement operated on a couple of levels (though I may not have appreciated it at
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Good Deeds Year

Throughout the Passover break, I found myself standing in my backyard thinking of all the things I had meant to accomplish during quarantine. I had ambitions of constructing raised flower beds. Of planting vegetables. Of becoming a tried-and-true gardener.
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Agents of Hope

To me, Passover is a ritual with the perfect blend of continuity and innovation. Indeed, many of us find comfort in Passover’s familiar structure. Every year, Jews around the world
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Building a Community of Belonging

We just passed the one-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic. These past twelve months have had a profound impact on us all and have highlighted just how much individual experiences
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Reuniting with Israel

In one of her first articles of the year, professor and thought leader Dr. Erica Brown wrote about what it might feel like to revive dormant friendships once COVID-19 finally
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Keep the Evolution Going

As Zoom Happy Hours gave way to Zoom Seders, Zoom break-fasts, and eventually Zoom menorah lightings, it became clear that our year of living digitally would have lasting impacts on
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Why We Remember

In 2005, the United Nations General Assembly designated January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The date was chosen to reflect the day on which the largest Nazi concentration camp,
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Thank You for Stepping Up

Over the past few years, I have watched as individuals have gone out of their way to contribute to sustaining Jewish Greater Washington. Federation’s Annual Campaign, for instance, customarily receives donations from thousands of people across multiple zip codes who all want to make a difference, care for our community’s
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

On Pausing to Read

I started writing this reflection two weeks ago. After watching what unfolded on January 6, however, I chose to set this draft aside and focus on the historic and heartbreaking
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

The Words I Will Remember

The poet Adrienne Rich described the power of language as the power to define “our ultimate relationship to everything in the universe.” She might agree that when it comes to
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A New Extraordinary

We did not ask for a portal between an old world and a new one, but the pandemic has given us just that. The crises of 2020 created a fissure
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Paying Tribute to Our Lay Leaders

This year, as individuals and as a community, we have faced demands never before seen in our lifetimes. We have been asked to think and act differently and consider ideas
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Building Trust as a Community

Division has been a consistent theme of this year. As a country, we entered 2020 alarmingly fractured and then a contentious election and staggering public health crisis only deepened our
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Reason to Give

This year asked a lot of you—and you responded with generosity of spirit and resources. Over the course of the last several months, our community raised $5.2 million for Federation's

VIDEO – State of the Community: A Webinar with Federation CEO Gil Preuss

An engaging and encouraging discussion about the state of our community and Federation's work, with Federation CEO Gil Preuss and Heather Moran, CEO & Executive Director of Sixth & I.
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

A Thanksgiving Message from Our CEO, Gil Preuss

Thanksgiving 2020 is going to feel very different, regardless of what our plans may look like. Even if we can safely see a few family members or friends, others will
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – November 6, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

As I write this, the results of the presidential election are crystallizing but remain unclear. We do not yet have an official call about the path our country will travel.
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 27, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Today, we remember the eleven people killed during the October 27, 2018 attack in Pittsburgh. I know the pain and horror of that day still feel very real. As Jews,
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 23, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Many of us will spend time in the next two weeks voting and volunteering, donating and discussing, all so that we might have an impact on the future of our
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 16, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

This has been a season of tending to immediate and short-term needs. Since the onset of the pandemic, we have joined with the Greater Washington Jewish community in raising and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 9, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

The pandemic may have put some security issues on hold but, unfortunately, it has not decreased the need to remain proactive and vigilant against those who would do us harm.
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 2, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

We made it through the first-ever “remote” Yom Kippur. Some, like my daughter in Colorado, joined socially-distanced in-person services, but most of us observed the day at home, online. I
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – September 25, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

The Jewish people are a people of memory. As teacher and thinker Avraham Infeld describes, the Jewish experience is characterized not simply by history—learning about and recounting past events—but by
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – September 17, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Tomorrow, Jews around the world will pause our busy lives to greet the new Jewish year. Rosh Hashanah is a holiday layered with meaning, but at its core, it is
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – September 11, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Today, on the nineteenth anniversary of September 11, 2001, I begin this reflection with a remembrance of the thousands of lives lost on that tragic day. May their memories be
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Rhythms for a New Season

Each year, at the beginning of September, we tend to look back on the summer that was, already nostalgic for the long, happy days of relaxation. We feel renewed after
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Innovation & Ingenuity

As fall approaches and we increasingly recognize how different so many things are going to be this year, leaders across our community are asking: how can we reimagine what we
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Caring for our Community

There is no doubt this has been a challenging summer in Greater Washington. But I am optimistic about our future because I continue to see community members consistently and compassionately
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Weekly Reflection – July 31, 2020

Yesterday, we observed Tisha B’Av, a day reserved in the Hebrew calendar for solemn reflection. Traditionally, Jews spend this day fasting and mourning the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – July 24, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve noticed an uptick in photos of freshly baked challah, newly planted gardens, and handmade crafts in my social media feeds. I have watched
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – July 17, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Many of my recent conversations with community members and leaders have focused on concerns about what this coming fall is going to look like. When the COVID-19 pandemic first began,
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Strengthening our Culture of Collaboration

Like many in our community, I recently crossed the threshold of 100 days spent mostly at home. These have not been easy days for our community as many people have
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – July 2, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

As we plan for what will certainly be a different kind of Fourth of July celebration than those of years past, I have been considering the work ahead, both for
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Finding Meaning in a Summer Without Jewish Camp

This week, my calendar reminded me to drop off my children at Jewish overnight camp. Every year, I look forward to this special ritual of taking one or more of
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – June 19, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

During the past three months, I have been reflecting on the ways the Jewish community is responding to these challenging and rapidly changing times. More specifically, I have wondered what
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Creating Communities of Belonging

Like many of you, I have been thinking, reading, and talking about race and racism quite frequently in recent days. Our country and communities continue to grapple with explicit and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – June 5, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

As we wrap up a challenging week in a challenging season, it feels appropriate to pause and reflect on where we go from here as a community. I began this
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Reflecting on Values and Responsibilities

Over the past few months, I have written about the tendency to turn inward, to isolate in our homes and protect ourselves, our families, and our neighbors from the threats
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Making Help Easy to Find

Nearly 800,000 people in Greater Washington have sought jobless benefits. Within the Jewish community, we have seen requests for interest-free loans increase by six-fold. People are searching for support when
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – May 22, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

There is a line in the Talmud that says in facing judgement, we will be asked to account for all the things we saw and did not eat (Kiddushin 48b).
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Coming Together in Common Purpose and Effective Action

This is the time when the rubber meets the road. For the past several years, those with an eye toward the future of the Jewish community have been underscoring the

From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

A Message from Our CEO, Gil Preuss: May 8, 2020

Two months into a new normal shaped by the coronavirus, we have learned how to live in quarantine, how to translate life in-person to life online, how to get up
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Strengthening What Sustains Us

A couple of years ago, I started toying with the question, what is the next big American Jewish project? It was clear by then that we had a crucial and

From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – April 24, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

In many ways, our worlds have shrunk over the last few weeks. We are sticking close to home, keeping tabs on our circle of loved ones, and paying close attention
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – April 17, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

Living as we are through a period that will undoubtedly be remembered in the history books, it might feel odd to set aside time to consider our past. But as
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Harnessing Our Social Ties for Good

This Passover will indeed be different than all others. In a few days, we will gather around physical and virtual seder tables to tell the story of the Exodus from
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – March 27, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

If there is anything that this pandemic has laid bare, it is how interdependent we are. Patients need healthcare workers. Restaurants need patrons. Students need teachers. People need friends, and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Creating Community in a Time of Social Distancing

Historically, particularly in times of crisis, Jews turn to their synagogues and other spiritual gathering places to find solace and a sense of community. This is true for Americans of
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – March 13, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

In a recent article, Rabbi Reuven Fink of New Rochelle, NY wrote about the effect the coronavirus has had on him and his congregation. He described the many tough disruptions but
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Looking Ahead: Building Emotional Connections with Israel

This is part of a series of messages about the way we are thinking about our work in 2020 and beyond. This past week, Israel held its third parliamentary election
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – February 28, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

If we took a comprehensive look at the landscape of Jewish Greater Washington, we would recognize a plethora of stellar organizations—large, small, established, and burgeoning. In fact, many of us
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Looking Ahead to the Main Event

This is part of a series of messages about the way we are thinking about our work in 2020 and beyond. No conversation about the Jewish future would be complete
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – February 14, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is committed to building a vibrant, connected, and flourishing Jewish community. To achieve this vision, we are working closely with long-time partners and new
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Looking Ahead: The Essential Role of Jewish Education

This is part of a series of messages about the way we are thinking about our work in 2020 and beyond. A couple months ago, I read a paper that
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – January 31, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

For many people (though certainly not all), growing up Jewish meant being a passive consumer of something that felt beyond our grasp. Knowledge of Jewish texts, history, and tradition remained
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Looking Ahead: The Next Chapter in Inclusion

This is part of a series of messages about the way we are thinking about our work in 2020 and beyond. At The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, we are
From our CEO, Gil Preuss.

Looking Ahead: Shining a Spotlight on Seniors

This is part of a series of messages about the way we are thinking about our work in 2020 and beyond.   To describe Jewish Greater Washington’s seniors is to describe a cohort
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – January 3, 2020: A Message from Gil Preuss

It feels odd to start the new year speaking of anger and frustration, but I know that is what many of us are feeling in light of the recent anti-Semitic
Looking Ahead: Engaging Millennials at a New Life Stage

Looking Ahead: Engaging Millennials at a New Life Stage

This is the first in a series of messages about the way we are thinking about our work in 2020 and beyond. It was the poet Mark Strand who said,
A message from our CEO

Our Added Value

I often meet with potential donors as part of my capacity as CEO. During both informal and formal meetings, I do my best to communicate the unique role Federation plays
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – December 6, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Jewish tradition is known for its multitude of opinions and its complex, consequential, and utterly fascinating debates. For thousands of years, our ability to disagree with each other has been
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – December 20, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

We continue to see a frightening pattern of anti-Semitic violence nationally and globally. From Williamsburg to Berlin, campus quads to synagogues to halls of power, we have watched with grief
Carrying the Torch of Jewish Community

Carrying the Torch of Jewish Community

As my family prepares for Thanksgiving and my kids prepare to journey home from their various posts, I have been thinking a lot about what it means to pass on
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – November 22, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the many ways you have helped guide our community and our organization this year.
A New Approach to Communal Progress

A New Approach to Communal Progress

This week, I dove into the topic of Jewish engagement while also being highly engaged myself. For three days, I joined hundreds of Jewish professionals for the first-ever FedLab conference, put on by The Jewish Federations of
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – November 8, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

I believe that whatever the Jewish future may look like, it is going to be shaped by those with a passion for Jewish community. It is no coincidence that some
Strengthening a Global Jewish Community in a Changing World

Strengthening a Global Jewish Community in a Changing World

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Board of Governors meeting. During our time together, we discussed the many ways the organization is evolving
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 25, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Nearly one year ago, 11 innocent people were murdered at the Tree of Life building in Pittsburgh. As we approach this solemn day, The Jewish Federation and the JCRC remain
Community and Collective Memory

Community and Collective Memory

On October 27, we will mark one year since the horrifying attack on the congregations at the Tree of Life building in Pittsburgh. It is a moment that will live
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – October 4, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

I want to take this opportunity to say G'mar Chatima Tova (may you be inscribed in the book of life) and share with you what I wrote in this week’s Federation 5: Including
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – September 27, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Our community can be pretty self-critical. We like to talk about all the things we could be doing better or differently and hash out all the ways we could be
A message from our CEO

The Future is Ours to Create

In a few weeks, soon after we welcome the Jewish New Year, we will scroll to the very beginning of the Torah and read about the story of creation. We
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – September 13, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

In a few days, Israelis will go to the polls to vote in the country’s second general election in just six months. Many of us—across all generations—care deeply about the
A message from our CEO

Synagogues are Vital to the Jewish Future

In a few weeks, many of us will gather at our local synagogues to usher in the Jewish New Year and observe the High Holidays. We will be inspired to
A message from our CEO

Weekly Reflection – August 23, 2019

As I have written about previously, American Jews continue to enjoy many of the greatest privileges and protections this country and the world have to offer. And yet, tragic attacks
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – August 16, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Earlier this month, I published an article in eJewish Philanthropy responding to two thoughtful pieces about the evolution of power and influence in the Jewish community. My focus is less about where influence lies and

Where We Go from Here: A Statement from Gil Preuss on the Recent Mass Shootings

The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington joins the entire Jewish community in mourning the victims of recent mass shooting attacks in Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio. In
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – August 2, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

We are approaching the saddest day of the year on the Jewish calendar. Tisha B’Av comes at the end of a three-week period of mourning and marks the date of several disasters
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – July 26, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

This week, my daughter returned home from overnight, Jewish summer camp. For those with pre-teens and teenagers in the house, you know what a whirlwind of energy and excitement (and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – July 19, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Decentralization is a central theme of this century. Within the Jewish community, as well as on stages local, national, and global, we are seeing the breakdown of institutions and the
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – July 12, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

I have written to you recently about Federation’s strategic plan, our core priorities, and some of the ways that we are bringing our strategy to life. A key component of
A message from our CEO

What We Can Do for Democracy

I recently returned from an extended family trip to Italy. Beyond the beauty of the countryside and the amazing food and art, two particular moments struck me. At the Great
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – June 14, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

I must admit that I am troubled by the nature of discourse about Israel these days. An issue that used to unite us is now seen as one that divides
A message from our CEO

Stepping Up in a New Era

Last night, more than 450 community members gathered for Federation’s Homecoming event. People were smiling, laughing, talking—in the room were people of all ages and backgrounds there to connect and
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – May 31, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

It is interesting to think about how we celebrate different Jewish holidays over time. Frequently, the nature of our celebration reflects an evolving Jewish history and changes in the Jewish
A message from our CEO

From Ideas to Effective Action

Earlier this spring, I wrote to you about Federation’s first-ever Pitch Night. Nearly 50 organizations gathered to share 68 innovative ideas for engaging the next generation in Jewish life and
A message from our CEO

A Country and a Homeland

“Well-meaning people used to say that a Jewish state would be an answer to all Jewish questions. In truth, however, the State of Israel is a challenge to many of
From our CEO, Gil Preuss on blue background with Gil's headshot

Weekly Reflection – May 3, 2019: A Message from Gil Preuss

Six months ago, after the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue, I wrote to you about the heartache we felt and the questions we faced as a community. In
A message from our CEO

Celebrating the Past and Looking to the Future: A Message from Gil Preuss

Coretta Scott King once said, “The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.” Over the course of several decades, many thousands of
A message from our CEO

The Impact of Jewish Learning: A Message from Gil Preuss

Passover is one of my favorite Jewish holidays. Part of the power of Passover—apart from the warm embrace of matzo ball soup and that divine brisket—is its timeless relevance. In
A message from our CEO

Israel All Ways: A Message from Gil Preuss

Shalom! I am writing to you from Amsterdam, where the pre-trip to Federation’s Israel YOUR Way Mission is just underway. On Monday, we travel to Israel for the formal start
A message from our CEO

Our Moment in Time: A Message from Gil Preuss

Last night, I was thrilled to join more than 600 people at Federation’s Main Event. It was a wonderful opportunity to connect, schmooze, and touch base with longtime supporters and
A message from our CEO

To Birthright Israel and Beyond: A Message from Gil Preuss

It is one thing to talk about a sense of connection to Israel. It is a whole other thing to experience it. That is the premise behind Birthright Israel trips.
A message from our CEO

Disability Advocacy and Our Potential to Effect Change: A Message from Gil Preuss

Our tradition teaches us that we must each uphold the dignity of others. The seemingly simple idea that everyone is created in the image of God has played a profound
A message from our CEO

From Family to Fellow Believers: A Message from Gil Preuss

Two weeks ago, The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington’s Congregational Shlichim Program was honored by The Jewish Agency for Israel. The program, which places Israeli young adults in schools, synagogues,
A message from our CEO

Setting the Wheels in Motion: A Message from Gil Preuss

We are only a few days into the new year, and already I find myself wondering how the future will unfold. What iconic moments will make their way into our
A message from our CEO

Marking the Occasion: A Message from Gil Preuss

“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” - William Shakespeare I want to say thank you. Thank you for being an integral
A message from our CEO

Investing in a Brighter Communal Future: A Message from Gil Preuss

Chanukah is a holiday of many lessons. It reminds us to persevere despite the odds and to stand up for what we believe in. It also reminds us that when
A message from our CEO

I Am Thankful for You: A Message from Gil Preuss

“How strange we are in the world, and how presumptuous our doings! Only one response can maintain us: gratefulness for witnessing the wonder, for the gift of our unearned right
A message from our CEO

Who We Want to Be: A Message from Gil Preuss

In a few days, we will have the opportunity to celebrate the start of a new year and once again reflect on the many ways we can narrow the gap between our actions and our
A message from our CEO

Building Community & Civic Life: A July 4th Message from Gil Preuss

The topics of community and responsibility come up often in my conversations and have been at the forefront of our work in defining the role Federation can and should play
A message from our CEO

What Brings Us Together: A Message from Gil Preuss

Since last August, when I began as CEO of The Jewish Federation, I have enjoyed getting to know hundreds and hundreds of people across DC, Maryland and Northern Virginia. The

A message from our CEO

Making our Voices Heard: A Message from our CEO

It’s no secret that Greater Washington is home to thousands of committed, generous and passionate people – those who lead by example, who stand strong in their convictions and who
A message from our CEO

Israel@70: A Personal Reflection from Our CEO

When I was a child growing up in Jerusalem in the early 1970s, Israel was a very different place than the one we know today. It was, in many ways,
A message from our CEO

The Gift of the Passover Seder: A Message from Our CEO

As we prepare to begin our Passover celebrations this evening, I am reminded of a quote by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov that feels especially pertinent today. "The Exodus from Egypt,”

Network Event: Remarks from CEO, Gill Preuss

Good evening everyone and thank you for coming. Before moving on, Let’s pause for a moment and think about what we just saw….a Jewish preschool, teachers, classmates, and parents, all

The Conversations We Need to Be Having: A Message from Our CEO

This is conference season in the Jewish community. Many organizations will be holding major events and meetings, and important business will get done. I’ve attended hundreds of these gatherings and
A message from our CEO

Announcing the 2017 Greater Washington Jewish Community Demographic Study

“The mission of Jewish leaders in the 21st century should be how to ensure the continued, significant renaissance of the Jewish people, ensuring a sense of belonging by every Jew