What is The Close Up?
The Close Up is a virtual learning experience that engages community members from various backgrounds to learn about hot topics through a Jewish lens from leaders and experts in the community.
Why is The Jewish Federation offering this opportunity?
Many in our Greater Washington Jewish community face the challenge of deepening connection to Jewish life and issues in ways that are relevant and meaningful to them. In addition, there are constraints – geography, school, work, family life and more – that can make it difficult to find the right avenue to connect. With Federation’s The Close Up, community members create a path to self-discovery by engaging in an easily accessible learning opportunity. The low-barrier learning opportunity covers local, national and global trending topics, pressing issues, and thought-provoking discussions through a Jewish lens – all for free.
What are the goals of The Close Up?
The goals are to provide a direct service and value-add to community members; Provide a low-barrier entry point for community members to connect more deeply to Jewish life through issues they care about; and further engage community members in Jewish learning.
How does The Close Up work?
The Close Up mimics a “webinar format” in which leaders and experts discuss a specific topic using PowerPoint slides to cover the topic. A Federation professional introduces the session and speaker. Participants then see the slides and listen as the presenter/s discusses the topic. A short Q+A session is held, and the Federation professional wraps up the event.
For those who register but cannot attend at the time of the event, a link will provided them with the recorded content. Others can register post-event to gain access to the content.
Who will attend?
The audience varies depending on the topic. Lunchtime sessions may attract professionals and retirees, and evening sessions attract an even broader range. Young professionals, parents with young or grown children, empty-nesters, retirees and more – anyone who has access to the Internet is welcome to join.
How long is one Close Up session?
Sessions are no longer than 60 minutes. The presenter speaks for 35-45 minutes.
What platform does The Close Up use to connect to Participants?
Federation uses Zoom.us, a web and slide-sharing technology. All sessions are recorded for future distribution and are the property of The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.
How does Federation promote The Close Up?
The Jewish Federation promotes each session using digital methods (email, social, advertising and more).
Can you tell me more about why I should give a presentation through The Close Up?
The Close Up serves as an educational hub for Jewish community members to explore, learn and connect – but it also provides a powerful platform and access to the presenter. Serving as a presenter will help position you as a leader on your subject matter. Federation reaches tens of thousands of people through our email marketing, and countless others through other digital promotion, including Web, Google, and social.
OK, I’m convinced! Who do I contact regarding presenting?
Please email PJ Edelman at pj.edelman@shalomdc.org or call 301-230-7235.
What are my responsibilities as presenter?
Presenters must:
- Provide 5-10 bullet points to the Federation contact 4 weeks before the session date regarding the key issues you will discuss.
- Provide slides (PowerPoint only) for review 2 weeks prior to the session; Slides are subject to change
- Promote the session to his or her networks in the weeks leading up to the session.
- Please speak with the Federation professional beforehand to discuss any political-related content
Where can I see examples of previous presentations?