13 December 2016
What are you most excited about in your new role as the Young Leadership Director?
I am most excited about getting to know all of the wonderful members of the DC young adult community, including you! And would LOVE to grab coffee and learn more about you and find ways you can get involved in Young Leadership. Please feel very free to contact me at [email protected] or 301-230-7290 to set a coffee or lunch date – it’s on me.
Growing up, what was your favorite Jewish holiday tradition?
Growing up, my family would always invite friends over to celebrate Chanukah with us – whether they were Jewish or not. We’d all come together to enjoy hot, fried, delicious latkes, light the candles, sing our favorite Chanukah songs and of course – open presents. I have always loved sharing our traditions and culture with other people. I think that’s what Judaism is all about – bringing our community together around a love for shared traditions and amazing food.
What is a favorite quote or saying you like to live by?
“Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Anthony J. D’Angelo
What is your favorite Jewish food?
My favorite Jewish food is hands down, my mother’s Matzo Ball soup. There’s truly nothing better than my mom’s ‘sinkers’, served at every single Jewish holiday – and I never get sick of ‘em.
What is something on your life bucket list?
Visit India. I love to travel and want to see the entire world but right now, India is at the top of my list. If you have been, please share all suggestions.