13 October 2015

Why are you excited about Impact DC?
Impact DC is one of the best parties of the year, and I don’t say that lightly. The venue is gorgeous, the dance floor is huge (I’m an avid dancer) and everyone has a great time. Everyone’s dressed up and excited, and that all makes for a fun night. (Not to mention an open bar, good food and great music!)
But what makes it truly special is that Impact DC inspires young people to get involved in philanthropy. Everyone at this event believes in the important Jewish value of tzedakah (charity). It’s amazing being in a room full of people who share that passion.
What is your favorite thing about the DC Jewish community?
It’s very open and welcoming. I’ve participated in many different parts of the DC Jewish community, from campus organizations, to services at Kesher Israel Synagogue, to Shabbat dinners at Sixth & I. There are so many different ways to get involved in Jewish life in DC, and everywhere I’ve felt that people are friendly, community members are welcoming, and events are inclusive.
Who is your Jewish role model and why?
Sheryl Sandberg. She has empowered an entire generation of women, and for that alone I think she embodies the Jewish value or tikkun olam (repairing the world). She’s also dealt with tragedy, the passing of her husband, with incredible honesty, grace, and humility.
What is one piece of advice you like to live by?
An optimist is someone who figures that taking a step backward after a step forward is not a disaster, it’s more like a cha-cha.
Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
I used to have a British accent! I lived in the UK for four years as a child. I also sing in an a cappella group called Word of Mouth that will be performing at Impact DC this Thursday, which is one more reason it’s going to be a great event!