Let’s Talk About the Next Generation

Between Us

This week’s parasha, Ki Tavo, opens with a commandment to the Children of Israel that, after settling the land that God has given them, they were to gather some of the “first fruits” from the soil they have farmed.  In making the offering, they were to declare: “My father was a fugitive Aramean. He went down to Egypt with meager numbers… The Egyptians dealt harshly with us and oppressed us… We cried out to Adonai, the God of our ancestors… Adonai freed us from Egypt by a mighty hand, by an outstretched arm and awesome power… He brought us to this place and gave us this land… Wherefore I now bring the first fruits of the soil which You, Adonai, have given me.”

Talk about creating context!  As we reached the Promised Land, we were instructed to share the first fruits and remember both who we are and where we come from. Straight from the Passover narrative, this summary recounts the story of the creation of the Jewish nation.  It also reminds us that life – its fruits and its labors – consists of history, family and faith.  Remembering that we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us is both humbling and empowering:  we clearly did not get here by ourselves, but now that we’ve arrived, look how far we can see and how much we can do to ensure that the next generation carries on.

Ways to Make it Yours

Visit Jewish Food Experience® at Whole Foods Markets for delicious food tastings and to learn more about the High Holidays from Sept 8 – Sept 21

Encourage your teen to apply to the the Israel Engagement Fellowship by Sept 25 to develop a connection to Israel and build leadership skills

Order Rosh Hashanah desserts from Sunflower Bakery for pickup at Café Sunflower & Bakery in The Federation building. Purchase/ pre-order pickup will be available from Sept 8-11, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., and on Sun, Sept 13, 12:00 – 2:00 pm. Online ordering is available through September 7th at 12pm. Visit Sunflower Bakery at www.sunflowerbakery.org.

Volunteer with Jewish Food Experience® at N Street Village on Sunday, October 4 as we cook, prepare and serve healthy meals for women in need.

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