12 March 2015

This week’s Torah portions stand in stark contrast to last week’s story, in which we witnessed the Israelites’ greatest act of disloyalty to God by building and worshipping a Golden Calf. In the double portions Va-Yakhel / P’kudei, we read of the great devotion and loving commitment by each person (kol ish) in building the tabernacle according to God’s instructions.
The root of the verb va-yakhel is the source of the noun kehilla – community. In reading of the contributions of countless individuals in fashioning the tabernacle, we get a sense of communal vision through shared ownership. Each person brought his or her individual expertise to the project; all sharing and working toward a common goal.
Community-building –- like the building of the Mishkan –- requires individual expertise AND a shared vision. It goes both ways: while we must each have a commitment to the values of the community, the community must always appreciate the value of each individual.
Speaking of community values and the importance of the individual, I hope you’ll be joining 8,000 of us on Sunday as we individually and collectively do a world of good during The Sara & Samuel J. Lessans Good Deeds Day at 90 projects throughout the metro area. Online registration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome at five-different locations (JCCGW, DCJCC, Gesher Day School and The Federation). Find more information at www.gooddeedsdaygw.org
Steven A. Rakitt, Chief Executive Officer
Here are ways to Make It Yours this week:
- Be the good you wish to see in the world at Good Deeds Daythis Sunday, March 15 throughout DC, MD and VA.
- Learn how you can make a difference on the quality of end-of-life care for loved ones atBringing Bubbe Home on Sunday, March 15.
- Get Real Time Analysis of the Israeli Elections at The Federation this Tuesday, March 17.
- Apply to Women’s Philanthropy’s highly subsidized Israel journey with JWRP this summer. *Select the DC-Jewish Federation of Greater Washington trip.Click here to access the full community calendar