Greater Washington Day School Programs

Looking for a high-quality education for your child and a warm community for your family? Explore Jewish day schools in Greater Washington as well as resources for parents.
For more information, contact Sharon Sherry at
Day Schools
Berman Hebrew Academy
Rockville, MD
Grades Preschool–12th
A Modern Orthodox Jewish day school
Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School
Rockville, MD
Grades Junior K–12th
A pluralistic Jewish day school
Gesher Jewish Day School
Fairfax, VA
Grades PreK–8th
A pluralistic Jewish day school
General: 703-978-9789
Admissions Director: 703-962-9216
Milton Gottesman Jewish Day School of the Nation’s Capital
Washington, DC
Grades PreK–8th
A pluralistic Jewish day school
Torah School of Greater Washington
Silver Spring, MD
Grades K–6th
An Orthodox Jewish school
Yeshiva of Greater Washington
Silver Spring, MD
Grades 7th–12th
A community-based Orthodox Jewish school
301-962-5111 OR 301-649-7077
Please note that this list is still in formation and subject to change.
Federation’s Support of Day Schools
2,653 children attended one of six Federation-supported Jewish day schools that provide educational excellence and give children a substantive Jewish identity built on a strong foundation of Jewish learning and values.
For more information, contact Sharon Sherry at