This week’s parsha is one of the most perplexing in the Torah. In Chukat, God forbids Moses and Aaron from entering the Promised Land. The reason, we are told, is
Read moreThis week’s parasha is Korach, in which the protagonist by the same name challenges Moses and Aaron’s leadership. Along with 250 elders, he claims he has an equal right to
Read moreThis week’s parasha, Shelach, contains the famous story of the 12 scouts sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan. They return, and all but Joshua and Caleb have
Read moreIn this week’s parasha, Beha’alotecha, the Israelites—after being in the wilderness for what seems like an eternity—are hungry, thirsty and uncertain about whether they will ever reach the Promised Land.
Read moreThis week’s portion, the first in the Book of Numbers, is called Bamidbar. The English title of this book comes from the census taken of the Israelites as commanded to Moses
Read moreThis week’s double parasha, Behar-Bechukotai, finishes up the Book of Leviticus. We are told repeatedly of the choice between following God’s commandments and disobeying. With the former, we will live well;
Read moreThis week’s parasha, Emor, focuses on the laws regulating the lives and sacrifices of the priests and the set times of the Jewish calendar for the Sabbath, Rosh Hashanah, Yom
Read moreThis week’s double parasha is Acharei / Kedoshim. The concepts covered are considered by many commentators to be equal to the Ten Commandments, since laws of the Torah that regulate
Read moreThis week’s double parasha, Tazria-Metzora, deals with skin diseases and the priestly procedures involved in checking for them, assessing them, declaring the sufferers healed and reintegrating the latter into the
Read moreThis week’s parasha is Sh’mini in the Book of Leviticus. There are two main themes which, at first, do not appear to be connected. We read of how the priest Aaron
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