25 March 2016
This week’s parasha, Tzav, continues the discussion of different types of sacrifices and the role of ancient priests. Each day, one of the priests would be assigned to keep the fire of the sacrifices burning, adding wood when necessary. At first, only the wealthy contributed the wood; but in time the rabbis decreed that all Jews should participate in keeping the fire burning.
This subtle change speaks volumes about our individual responsibility as Jews today. While it is tempting to cede oversight of Jewish life to rabbis, cantors and educators, it is our personal responsibility to incorporate Jewish thought and action into our daily lives – to create moments of connection between our Jewish heritage and our daily thought; between Jewish thought and daily actions. We can convene our families, our friends and our community in ways that are relevant to each of us and that speak to our connection to Jewish community. It is what we can and must do. It is what The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington is committed to doing.
With dozens of treasured partner agencies and synagogues, Federation is having a significant impact, strengthening our Jewish community by connecting and inspiring thousands of local children, teens and adults through low-barrier, high impact programs like PJ Library®, Jewish Food Experience®, Good Deeds Day and more. These “platforms” are attracting many members of our community with meaningful options for participation at different stages of life. We encourage you to “Make it Yours” by seeking out the various pathways to involvement in our Jewish community that speak to you. Visit shalomdc.org/90Days to learn more.
Jewish life offers a flame of inspiration. It is up to each of us to keep it burning.