21 July 2020
In only eight verses, chapter 3 of Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) encapsulates the ebb-and-flow of life; the ups and downs; the good and the bad: “to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” The verses follow a dichotomy—one described positively and one negatively—that exist through life and time.
Of the sixteen couplings, there is one that is not clear which of its parts is good and which is bad: “a time to plant, and a time to pick that which is planted.” In the two halves, we can interpret each as positive. It is good to both plant and to harvest what you have sown.
It is naturally a time for transition within Women’s Philanthropy as I take/s on the role of Vice President for the next two years. We are deeply grateful to Robin Weinberg for her vision, thoughtfulness, and inspiring approach to leadership. She has infused such meaning into her work and Women’s Philanthropy.
Additionally, the coronavirus pandemic has made us all understand that our world has changed. Our newsletter this quarter will focus on how members of our community are engaging with this change, the shifts they have made to maintain focus on their mission but to adjust their work to address our new reality—seeing it as a good thing—as a time to plant seeds and to harvest the fruits of our labor.