Messages to Paul S. Berger from the Community
Join us in congratulating Paul S. Berger for his distinguished record of providing leadership to Jewish community organizations. At The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, he has held virtually every senior position in the organization, including President; President of Federation’s United Jewish Endowment Fund; Chair of Planning & Allocations; and currently serves as Federation’s Pro Bono Counsel. In addition, he has mentored most of the presidents who have followed him, extending his impact in the Jewish community well beyond his formal roles.
Mazel tov Paul on this well-deserved honor. It has been a privilege to know you. Mark and Joanne Jacobson
Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor. May you continue with the work you do to support our Jewish community. .We love you and are so proud to call you our Uncle. Vivien & Harry Finkelman
To our dear uncle–we are so very proud of you and admire your leadership and dedication on behalf of your own community and for Jews around the world. May HaShem grant you many more years of strength and good health so that you may continue to enjoy the love and nachat from our wonderful family. Mazal Tov & all our love, Ruth & Roni Lorbert and family
Mazal Tov to Paul S. Berger, Board Member of the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America, on receiving the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington’s Dor L’Dor Tribute Award.
Thank you for your leadership and contributions to the Jewish community. Warmly, Donniel Hartman, Yehuda Kurtzer, and the Board and staff of the Shalom Hartman Institute
Mazel Tov to our wonderful Uncle Paul on this special honor! You bring tremendous wisdom, heart and determination to all your endeavors. Our family has been blessed with your steady love and strength – and we recall how your own father’s wish of ‘keeping the shil open’ guides your many acts of tzedakah and good deeds for the Jewish community at large. Sending much love from NY. – Karen Benezra and Deborah Megdal
Shalom Paul, Even though we are not able to be with you this evening, please know that you have a special place in our hearts as you have contributed so much to the Washington Federation, to israel,and throughout the Jewish Diaspora- from Dor L’Dor. Mazel Tov on this evening of special recognition for you. We love you. – Arlene Kaufman & Sandy Baklor
For many years we have witnessed your indefatigable efforts on behalf of our brethren and Jewish institutions and with awe and love we wish many years to continue in your endeavors. At this time we remember wonderful Debbie Z’L and she is present in our hearts. Together with Clal Israel we salute you, with love and admiration. – Gladys and Bernardo
Paul, Your support and shepherding of Project Interchange has been my only contact with you but you have always been gracious, wise and an inspiration.I regret not having had more opportunity to know you. Your reputation proceeds you and I join your many admirers In sending mazel tov for a lifetime of leadership and commitment to the Jewish people. Warmest regards Lois Frank, Atlanta
Paul, Mazel Tov on this much deserved honor! You are a true pillar in our community. As a visionary leader, wise counselor, mentor and friend, you have been an inspiration to us and to all. Your contributions, too numerous to name, have shaped our community for the better and will be a lasting legacy. Our community is so very fortunate to have you. Todah, Todah, Todah Rabah! Fondly, Yvonne and Jeff Distenfeld
Dear Paul, Laura and I congratulate you on this occasion marking your many years of dedication to the Federation and the Jewish community. It has truly been an honor to get to know you and to work with you. Many thanks and Mazel Tov. – Baruch Weiss Laura Blumenfeld
You have always been an inspiration since my “youngest days” of communal leadership. It is an honor to have learned from you and to have witnessed your steadfast love for the Jewish People. May your wisdom continue to spread far and wide and influence countless others as you have influenced me. Much love and gratitude. – Ellen Kagen Waghelstein
Dear Paul, Thank you for your generations of leadership to the Jewish and pro-Israel communities and organizations in Washington and beyond. We are so grateful to you and Debra z”l for everything you have done for AJC Project Interchange over all the decades. We hope we make you proud with the legacy you have entrusted to us to connect leaders worldwide with Israel. – Myra Clark-Siegel
Paul, You have advanced Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School beyond measure, and it is my honor to have worked alongside you for the past decade. Thank you for your consistent encouragement and wise counsel in all of our projects. Your kindness and gratitude have touched me personally and professionally, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude back to you for all you have done for our school and community. Mazal Tov on this great honor. – Sharon S. Metro
Dear Paul You are one of a kind. One of the best Chairman of the Endowment Fund I ever worked with. We were both there at its beginning and helped to make it grow to become a respected part of the Federation and provide funding for existing and new and innovative programs in our community and in Israel. Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. David Belkin
Thank you for your guidance, wise counsel, and leadership. Your commitment to the Washington, D.C. Jewish community has no peers and your support for the state of Israel is heroic. Thank you for being a constant source of strength for the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School and for countless other organizations. We are deeply grateful to you for giving your time, passion, and energy to our community. – Mitchel Malkus
DAD!! We are so sad to be flying to London during this event that is so deserved. You are our rock and guide in life. Thank you for being such an amazing role model for your family as our dad and Saba. Thank you for always being there and we are blessed every day that you still are. With so much love and pride! Your children!! (OK, this is Jessica, but I speak for us all, I think!!) – Jessica Berger-Weiss
DAD!! We are so sad to be flying to London during this event that is so deserved. You are our rock and guide in life. Thank you for being such an amazing role model for your family as our dad and Saba. Thank you for always being there and we are blessed every day that you still are. With so much love and pride! Your children!! (OK, this is Jessica, but I speak for us all, I think!!) – Jessica Berger-Weiss
Paul. Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor. You are a great inspiration, role model and mentor on being an effective and impactful Jewish Community leader. I have enjoyed our many interactions over the years and look forward to continuing them for years. Fondly Linda and Jerry Herman
Where do I start? An almost impossible task to articulate all you mean to all of us. You have stood as an example of how to live your life for all of us, family, friends and community. You have shown us by your actions that one person can change the world. You have shown us in how you live your life that even if we can improve a small part of our world, we should and must do so. You strive every single day of your life to better the lives around you, here and in Israel and elsewhere. Through example even in the face of adversity you exemplify how one human being can care for another – selflessly and with honor and dignity. You continue to amaze all of us that you dedicate your life, every day, to your work, and significantly contribute to our community, to Israel, and of course to the legal world. And most of all, your love for your children and grandchildren is immeasurable and means more perhaps than anything else. We say L’Chaim and raise our glasses to honor our dad and saba today and everyday. We all love you and know you will lead us by example for many years to come. With love and thankfulness to have you as our “grand poobah”, Mer and Sam
Paul You were responsible for bringing me into the Federation in 1980! I still vividly remember our interview at your office. You were one of my first mentors and partners in forging a strategic direction for our community. You were then, and remain, an inspirational role model, visionary, and mensch. This honor is so well deserved – it recognizes how extraordinary you are and your unwavering commitment and love of the Jewish people. Mazel tov. Fondly, Judie Fien-Helfman
Paul – On behalf of the entire CESJDS board, our congratulations and most sincere appreciation for your longstanding and deep commitment to our community. You continue to teach us the great value of leadership, and we have all learned from our interactions with you, large and small. On a personal note, your memories of my great uncle Joe and the early years of the school have been very meaningful to me and my family. Congratulations on this well deserved honor. Best, Dan Mendelson
Dear Paul thank you for your endless contribution to the community and to everyone that you have met. Your impact is going to last for generation. Congratulations – Sarit and Dan Abrell
BS”D Gratitude and blessings for your many years of dedication and service to our Jewish community. May you continue to serve as a role model and visionary in good health, Manette & Louis Mayberg
Dear Paul: We wanted to tell you Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. You are an inspiration to all of us. Regards, Judy and Mark Lerner
Dear Saba, You are such an awesome inspiration to everyone you meet and I cannot explain how lucky we are to have you as our Saba. We love you so much and this honor is so beyond deserved. You show us we can do anything we set our minds to and anything is possible! We love you so much! XOXO Becca and Chad
Dear Paul, Thank you for your lifelong service to the Jewish people and especially to the Washington Jewish community. Your kindness, sincerity, commitment and leadership are always present. You are a visionary and a role model for us all. – Marci Harris-Blumenthal
Mazel tov Paul on this much deserved award! Our community is so lucky to have you. Todah Rabah for all you do!! With gratitude and respect, Cathy Gildenhorn
So proud of you my Uncle. You have always cared for other people and treated them like family. You continue to give with all your heart. A very well deserved Honor. Congrats. – Irvin Gartenstein
Paul, Congratulations on Federation’s Dor L’Dor Tribute Award for Leadership — and for all that you have done for Federation and other organizations over the years!! – Larry Schneider
Dear Paul. Mazel Tov on your well deserved honor for your many contributions to the Jewish community for decades. Thank you for being one of my mentors and supporters. . Kol Hakavod to you! Fondly, Mimi Schneirov
Your leadership, commitment, and continued vision for the community is an inspiration. Thank you for all that your do! Rachel, Rich, Hannah & Sophie Handloff
Mazal Tov! Thanks for being such a role model to us all. – Fay-Ann & Jonathan Brodie
Mazal Tov Paul! It has been my great honor to know and work with you over the years. May you go from strength to strength, Richard Foltin
Dear Paul, Mazal Tov on this well deserved honor and thank you for all you do for our community. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. All the best, Judith Bernstein
Having known so many people who have contributed to Federation while I worked over the more than 30 years of as Chief Financial Officer, you stand out particularly having worked so closely with me during my tenure. Mazel Tov on being recognized for your unselfish dedication to the Jewish Community of Greater Washington. – Jack Budman
You have a LOT of fans at the Jewish Council for the Aging, and we thank you for the amazing leadership and support you provide the Greater Washington Jewish community. It’s inspiring! – David Gamse
Dear Paul: Mazal Tov to you, and thank you for your leadership, guidance and good counsel over the past many decades. You are a mentor and cherished friend, and I look forward to celebrating with you on June 6. Warm regards. – David Butler
Mazel Tov, Paul! Federation could not have presented this award to a more worthy recipient! Thank you for your countless contributions to our community, and for setting such a high standard for the rest of us. –Peter & Sherrie
Mr. Berger, Your record of selfless community service is awe inspiring. I don’t know how you found the time and energy to do it all but you did and continue to do so. I am proud to have known you for 45 years. May you go from strength to strength. – Steven Kravitz
Paul, mazal tov & thank you for your leadership, guidance, generosity and for generally showing the path of being a mensch and being tough and rigorous and loving all at once. I remain grateful that you have been an Honorary Director of Tzedek DC from the start and that Ron Glancz and Irv Nathan brought us together. Yesher Koach on all that you do for the Jewish, legal and broader communities! – Ariel Levinson-Waldman
Dear Paul, Mazel Tov, and thanks so very much for your lifetime of service to our Jewish Community. Yasher Koach, and best wishes to you and your Family, Respectfully, Stu Lessans
Words cannot express how much your counsel and friendship has meant to me. Your commitment to me personally, the Federation and the Jewish community (here, in Israel and around the world) has been invaluable. Mazel tov for this award and thank you for all you do! – Eileen Frazier
I can’t remember a Federation meeting without you; for that matter ditto for Project Interchange! You have left an indelible mark for the better on this Jewish community. Enjoy many, many more years of meaningful participation as we grow Jewish Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia. – Dottie Bennett
Mazel tov Paul! Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for our community. – Monica Herman
Congratulations to many years of wonderful work with Federation and the Jewish community. – Sam Cooper