22 February 2023

Alisa Brem Rosenberg
“It is important to us to create a family centered around Jewish values.”
As the granddaughter of three Holocaust survivors and a grandmother who grew up through the founding of the State of Israel, “fostering a strong and safe Jewish community” is an important value for Alisa. She and her family donate “because we trust Federation to provide support where it is most needed.”
At home, Alisa’s family feels lucky to be able to share their values with their wider community. She and her husband, Jacob, grew up strongly engaged in their Jewish communities in Baltimore, MD and Lexington, KY. They work together to bring strong Jewish values to their growing family, as their families instilled in them, including the importance of tikkun olam (repairing the world), engagement in local Jewish community, and building a connection abroad. They are proud that, “through Federation, we are working together to continue the legacy of Jewish values and support.”
Alisa and her family support Jewish causes, believe in Jewish education, and enjoy gathering and celebrating with friends and family during the Jewish holidays.
When asked to think about the future of Jewish Greater Washington, Alisa says, “we hope that we can be part of inspiring more people to join in building our community, having a meaningful impact on it, and helping to ensure that Washington DC’s Jewish community continues to thrive for generations to come.”